Thoughts from the Director

Greetings to supporters and friends of LACC. We are pleased and proud to present this newsletter to you. The purpose of the newsletter is to inform you of our partnerships, events, and research. LACC programs provide space for a variety of voices from Latin America and the Caribbean, serve as a bridge between the region and the United States, and highlight high-impact research on some of the most pressing challenges facing the Americas. Whether you are one of our students or former students, an affiliated faculty member, a partner, or a supporter of LACC, we want you to have an inkling of the full range of activities that we are engaged in, and how we are making a difference. Of course, not everything can fit in the newsletter, but if you follow us regularly, you will get a sense of the full picture over time. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have comments on the newsletter, suggestions for future events, or news of your own activities. Thank you for your support of LACC!


Prof. Anthony W. Pereira
Director, Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center