Nicolas André, Associate Teaching Professor and Haitian Studies Certificate Director, Department of Modern Languages
Associate Teaching Professor and Haitian Studies Certificate Director, Department of Modern Languages
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, DM 488C
Contact: 305-348-2908| nandre@fiu.edu
Areas of expertise: Applied linguistics, language development, language teaching, Haitian

Astrid Arraras, Teaching Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations
Teaching Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations.
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, SIPA 406
Contact: 305-348-1692 | astrid.arraras@fiu.edu
Areas of Expertise: Latin American politics, democratization, and political development.

Christopher Baraloto, Professor and Director of the International Center for Tropical Botany
Professor, Biological Sciences; Associate Director, Institute of Environment; and Director of the International Center for Tropical Botany
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, OE 243
Contact: 305-348-2864 | Cbaralot@fiu.edu
Areas of Expertise: Tropical plant diversity, functional ecology of tropical trees, biodiversity, global change, and forest management.

Jose Miguel Cruz, Associate Professor, Department of Criminlogy and Criminal Justice
Director, Center for the Administration of Justice
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, MARC 270
Contact: 305.348.2894 | jomcruz@fiu.edu |
Areas of expertise: Criminal violence, gangs, police, democratization and public opinion in Latin America.

Nicola Gavioli, Associate Teaching Professor of Portuguese, Department of Modern Languages
Associate Teaching Professor of Portuguese, Department of Modern Languages
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, DM 482A
Contact: ngavioli@fiu.edu
Areas of Expertise: Brazilian 20th and 21st centuries literature, literature, medicine memory studies, war and witness literature, human rights and activism in contemporary Brazilian culture, disability in Brazilian literature and cinema, queer culture, novels by António Lobo Antunes.

Gabriela Hoberman, Director of Academic Programs, Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center
Director of Academic Programs, Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) and Faculty Director, LACC Society, Politics & International Relations in Argentina
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, SIPA II.
Contact: 305.348.2894 | ghoberma@fiu.edu
Areas of expertise: Comparative politics, disaster risk policy, genocide, Latin American politics.

A. Douglas Kincaid, Associate Professor, Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies
Associate Professor, Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies.
Ph.D. in Sociology, The Johns Hopkins University, 1987 M.A. in Political Science, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1979 B.A in Latin American Studies, Dartmouth College, 1973.
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, SIPA 333
Contact: 305.348.6172 | AD.Kincaid@fiu.edu
Areas of expertise: Development and social change in Latin America, international migration and nationalism, food systems and movements.

Judith Mansilla, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of History
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of History.
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, DM 371B.
Contact: 305-348-2225 | jmansill@fiu.edu
Areas of expertise: Colonial Latin America, the Andean region, and the Atlantic World. Her work integrates environmental, political, social, economic, and legal history approaches.

Melissa McCartney, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, OE 270
Contact: 305-348-2201 | mmccartn@fiu.edu
Areas of expertise: Use scientific literature as an educational tool in order to highlight and promote scientific practices.

Frank Mora, Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations
Professor, Politics and International Relations; Senior Researcher, Jack D. Gordon Institute of Public Policy; and Former Director, Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center.
BA, The George Washington University, International Affairs, 1986MA, University of Miami, Inter-American Studies, 1989PhD, University of Miami, International Affairs, 1993.
Office: Modesto A. Maidique Campus.
Contact: 305-348-2899 | moraf@fiu.edu
Areas of Expertise: Foreign policy analysis, politics and democratization, state-society relations.

Javier Francisco Ortega, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences.
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, OE 242
Contact: 305.348.2080 | ortegaj@fiu.edu | Website
Areas of expertise: Plant systematics with a focus on using molecular methods to establish phylogenetic relationships among taxa, and conservation genetics.

Nelson Varas-Diaz, Professor, Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies
Professor, Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies
Office: Modesto A. Maidique Campus, SIPA 330
Contact: 305.348.2618 | nvarasdi@fiu.edu
Areas of expertise: Social, political and individual level implications of stigmatization.

Chantalle Verna, Associate Professor, Department of History
Associate Professor, Department of History.
Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, DM 385-A. FIU Biscayne Bay Campus, ACI 372-A.
Contact: 305-348-3561 (MMC), 305-919-5330 (BBC) | Email: verna@fiu.edu
Areas of Expertise: US-Haiti relations, inter-American relations, African diaspora, immigration and ethnicity.

Maida Watson, Professor of Spanish, Department of Modern Languages
Professor of Spanish, Department of Modern Languages.
Office: Modesto A. Maidique Campus, DM 496.
Contact: 305-348-2043 | watsonm@fiu.edu
Areas of expertise: Latin American literature and languages in international business, women playwrights in Peru, Panamanian poetry, and Cuban exile theater.

Gayle Williams, Librarian, Latin American and Caribbean Information Services, FIU Libraries
Librarian, Latin American and Caribbean Information Services, FIU Libraries.
Office: Modesto A. Maidique Campus, GL 225B.
Contact: 305.348.2228 | gayle.williams@fiu.edu
Areas of expertise: Latin American and Caribbean Studies, literature, poetry and composition, modern languages, television and film, theatre and dance.

Susanne Zwingel, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations
Associate Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations
Office: Modesto A. Maidique Campus, SIPA 420
Contact: 305-348-2248 | szwingel@fiu.edu
Areas of expertise: International women’s rights and their translation, gender equality advocacy around the world, global governance and gender, feminist, constructivist and post-colonial IR theories gender and armed conflict.