LACC/InterAmerican Press Association Webinars

The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) and the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) at Florida International University join forces in US Department of Education Title VI-funded Webinar Series. The series is attended online by practicing journalists and students of journalism and learners of English and/or Spanish, hemisphere-wide.

2025La crisis de VenezuelaLa crisis de Venezuela
2024Periodistas y audiencia aliados contra la desinformacion electoralPeriodistas y audiencia aliados contra la desinformacion electoral
2024America Latina de cara al nuevo gobierno de Estados UnidosAmerica Latina de cara al nuevo gobierno de Estados Unidos
2024AI y periodismo: Ideas, tendencias y estrategias de cara al 2025AI y periodismo: Ideas, tendencias y estrategias de cara al 2025
2024El periodismo latinoamericano ante el super ciclo electoralEl periodismo latinoamericano ante el super ciclo electoral
2024Coberturas bélicas: Campo minado para el periodismo
2024La guerra de desgaste de Bukele contra la prensa salvadoreña
2024Periodismo de soluciones, tarea pendiente en las salas de redacción.
2022Hacia un Periodismo Fuerte y Sostenible en 2022Hacia un Periodismo Fuerte y Sostenible en 2022
2022Tendencias Digitales que Marcarán a los Medios en 2022Tendencias Digitales que Marcarán a los Medios en 2022
2021Igualdad de Género en la Redacción: Cómo AlcanzarlaIgualdad de Género en la Redacción: Cómo Alcanzarla
2021Democracia, DD.HH. y libertad de expresión en el hemisferio bajo el nuevo gobierno de EE.UU.
2020Consumo y pago de noticias digitales
2020Elecciones USA: lecciones para el periodismoElecciones USA: lecciones aprendidas
2020Elecciones EEUU: Desafío para los medios
2020Cómo combatir al info-virus sin contagiarse en el esfuerzoCómo combatir al info virus sin contagiarse en el esfuerzo
2020The Political Impact of COVID-19 in Central America: Authoritarians, Populists, or Democrats?Impacto político del Covid 10 en Centroamérica
2020The Consequences of COVID-19 on Business in South AmericaLas consecuencias del Covid 19 para los negocios en América del Sur
2020The COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned?La pandemia del Covid 19 ¿lecciones aprendidas?
2020Innovation in Journalism Coverage of Latin America and the CaribbeanThe Situation in Bolivia
2019Under Threat: Training Journalists to Minimize Risk and Trauma while Covering the AmericasThe Western Hemisphere in Transformation: A Guide for Journalists
2019Under Threat: Training Journalists to Minimize Risk and Trauma while Covering the AmericasCollaborative Journalism
2019Under Threat: Training Journalists to Minimize Risk and Trauma while Covering the AmericasTraumatic Stress in Journalism
2019Under Threat: Training Journalists to Minimize Risk and Trauma while Covering the AmericasDigital Tools for Journalists in Colombia and Mexico
2018Cybersecurity in JournalismFull-out Security for Journalists
2018Cybersecurity in JournalismHow Blockchain can Help Fight False News
2018Cybersecurity in JournalismNew Technological Protection is Available against Cyber Attacks
2018Cybersecurity in JournalismInvestigative Journalism and Digital Innovation
2017Social Media and AppsThe Consumption of News in Social Networks
2017Social Media and AppsDigital Attacks in the New Era of Censorship
2017Social Media and AppsHow to Offer a Better and More Enriched Narrative in Niche Publications
2017Social Media and AppsThe Metrics Department is Essential for the Future of any Medium
2016Millennials Leading the WayChicas Poderosas and Technology: Visual Storytelling
2016Millennials Leading the WayNarrative Reporting in the Internet Age
2016Millennials Leading the WayTeam-Reporting across Borders in the Digital Era
2016Millennials Leading the WayThe Social Media Editor and Web Traffic
2015Ahead of the Curve on Digital Transformation but Behind the Times on Press Freedom?News Media: Making it Relevant for the Tech Generation
2015Ahead of the Curve on Digital Transformation but Behind the Times on Press Freedom?Millennials are News Junkies Too! Just in a Different Way
2015Ahead of the Curve on Digital Transformation but Behind the Times on Press Freedom?Getting the News Out—Against all Odds
2015Ahead of the Curve on Digital Transformation but Behind the Times on Press Freedom?Freedom of Expression: “What Does That Have to Do with Me?”