Haitian Summer Institute

Now entering its 28th year, the Haitian Summer Institute is a six-week program designed for anyone interested in acquiring basic conversational proficiency in Haitian Creole and also for those students who wish to continue their Haitian Creole Language training at the intermediate and advanced levels. The 2025 Summer program will be completed in person at the FIU Modesto Maidique Campus.

The program begins with intensive Haitian Creole language training divided into two tracks. Students will have two enrollment options: Accelerated Beginning Haitian Creole for the first half of the program and Accelerated Intermediate Haitian Creole for the final half, or Accelerated Intermediate Haitian Creole for the first half of the program and Accelerated Advanced Haitian Creole for the final half. In addition to the Institute’s intensive language courses, participants are introduced to Haitian history and culture through lectures in English and Haitian Creole presented by nationally-recognized Haitianists and Diasporic leaders. Classes are held Monday through Friday and include a morning and afternoon session.

Application Information:

All applicants are encouraged to submit the application packet, along with the required supporting materials to Carlos Tinoco at ctinoco@fiu.edu by 5:00pm on May 1, 2025(Applications may be accepted after May 1, 2025, but space is not guaranteed). FIU also offers K-12, Community College, and HBCU Educator Grants. Please consult the application website for more information.

Program Dates:

Summer B Term: June 23 - August 1, 2025

Option 1 - 4 week program: June 23 - July 18 (6 credits)

Option 2 - 6 week program: June 23 - August 1 (9 credits, required for FLAS Fellows)

Program Costs:

4-week program tuition & fees (6 credits): $1,435.99 (Subject to Change)

6-week program tuition & fees (9 credits): $2,052.70 (Subject to Change)

Non-Degree Seeking Application Fee (Non-FIU Students Only): $30.00

FIU Housing:

Summer B Term: June 23 - August 1, 2025

Private bedroom in a 4 bedroom apartment: $1,554.00 (subject to change)

Program Payments:

Tuition - Due on or before July 1, 2025 (made payable via my.fiu.edu*$100 Late Payment Fee assessed July 1, 2025.

FLAS Fellowship Information:

Program Length: 6 weeks

Contact Hours: June 23 - August 1, 2025: Classes held 5 days/week for 5 hours per day=150 hours

6-week program tuition & fees (9 credits):

For FIU students: $2,052.70

For Non-Degree Seeking Students (Non-FIU students; Includes $30 Non-Degree Seeking Student Application Fee): $2,082.70

Housing (Optional): 

Summer B Term: June 23 - August 1, 2025

Private bedroom in a 4 bedroom apartment: $1,554.00 (subject to change)

Summer FLAS Stipend: $3,500.00 (If applicable, on-campus housing expenses must be deducted from total stipend award).

Non-Degree-Seeking Student (NDSS) Application:  https://onestop.fiu.edu/admissions/submit-applications/non-degree-student/

The (NDSS) application is the first step required for non-FIU Students to be given a student ID number (Panther ID), which is needed to be enrolled in the courses. 


  • HAI 3213 Accelerated Beginning Haitian Creole
  • HAI 3214 Accelerated Intermediate Haitian Creole
  • HAI 3500 Haiti: Culture and Language (Advanced Haitian Creole)
  • FOL 3930 Haitian Creole Language & Culture

Funding Opportunities:

Program Application:

Sample Course Syllabi:

Excellence in Global Learning Medallion

The Haitian Summer Institute fulfills 5 out of 20 points required for the Global Learning Medallion Activity requirement.

Please click here for more information.

Photo Albums


Haitian Summer Institute Study Abroad Suspension Contingency Plan

Based on its assessment of in-country conditions leading up to the Institute, FIU LACC retains the right to suspend the study abroad to Haiti at any time. In the event that unpredictable conditions in Haiti prevent the group from traveling to the country, LACC's FLAS-approved contingency plan will be implemented. More specifically, the Haitian Summer Institute will extend the Miami-based portion of the Institute and its faculty will continue to offer intensive Haitian Creole language training at Florida International University. Both instructors will follow an extended pre-approved syllabus that consists of intensive language instruction Monday-Friday for 5 hours/day for the remaining two weeks of the six-week Institute. FIU Housing contracts will also be extended for an additional two weeks and students will be charged accordingly. Any financial savings that are not reallocated to cover unanticipated expenses due to any decision to suspend travel to Haiti may result in refunds being processed by FIU, based on initial program payment method. View full Haitian Summer Institute Study Abroad Suspension Contingency Plan here.

For More Information:

Haitian Summer Institute, Academic Programs
Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique, SIPA II 300
Miami, Florida 33199
Phone: 305.348.2894
Email: ctinoco@fiu.edu / LACC@fiu.edu