Florida-Mexico Institute (FMI)

The Florida-Mexico Institute (FMI) is a linkage institute founded by the Florida legislature to promote and expand commercial, cultural, and educational linkages between Florida and Mexico. FMI is housed at the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) located at FIU. FMI provides out-of-state tuition waivers to eligible students by waiving the out-of-state tuition.

IMPORTANT 2025 Update: Please do not submit your applications by mail. Applications and all supporting documents listed below must be submitted electronically as PDFs to Apply_LACC@fiu.edu by June 1, 2025. We will begin to receive applications on May 1st 2025.

Students will receive a notification of award or denial by July 20, 2025.

Electronic Submission Instructions:

  • All documents should be attached as PDFs
  • Enter "FMI Waiver Application" in subject line
  • Official transcripts should be sent electronically to Apply_LACC@fiu.edu . Please be sure Spring 2025 grades are in transcripts before sending application. FIU students can send unofficial transcripts
  • Explanation for any missing documents should be included in the body of the email and include the following:
    + Name of missing document(s)
    + Reason missing
    + Estimated submission date

A limited number of waivers are available. Application deadline for the 2025-2026 Academic Year is June 1, 2025. We will begin to receive applications on May 1st 2025. Please read below for application link and required documents list.

You can access the application here: Apply Now!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  • Who is eligible for the FMI Out-of-State Tuition Waiver?

    Students who have been admitted or who meet admission requirements to any university or community college of the public education system of the state of Florida. Preference will be given to graduate students AND are:

    1. Mexican citizens studying in Florida with student visas.
    2. committed to return to Mexico after the completion of their studies for a length of time equal to their exemption period, as required by the out-of-state tuition waiver program.
  • What are the basic requirements to apply for the FMI Out-of-State Tuition Waiver?

    In order to apply, students must:

    1. Be an international student with a F1, or J1 visa from Mexico
    2. Be fully admitted to a state college or university
    3. Have at least a 3.0 or higher GPA
    4. Submit most current transcripts
    5. Submit proof of test scores such as SAT, ACT, CLAST, GRE, GMAT, and/or TOEFL or Duolingo test scores appropriate for admission to Florida community colleges and universities. Proof of test scores must accompany applications
    6. Submit the statement of purpose (two essays, 500 word maximum)
    7. Submit copy of passport and visa
  • When should I apply?

    Because this out-of-state tuition waiver is for one academic year, you must apply every year. The 2025 deadline is June 1, 2025.

    We will begin to receive applications on May 1st 2025.

  • Where can I obtain the FMI application?

    You can access the application here: Apply Now!

  • What do I need to submit after I have finished the application?

    Once you have downloaded and completed the application, save the completed application as a PDF and attach the following documents, as PDFs, in the order listed below:

    1. Application Form
    2. Official transcripts of all college-level work
    3. Proof of admission to Florida Community College or University
      • (copy of acceptance letter)
    4. Copy of official test scores (or documentation showing test scores not required for program of study)
      • (SAT, ACT, CLAST, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, CPT, ECADEP and/or TOEFL or Duolingo test scores)
    5. Copy of Passport from Mexico
    6. Copy of F-1 or J-1 Visa from Mexico
    7. Copy of I-20 or DS-2019 refelcting Mexican nationality
  • Where do I submit my completed application package?

    Email Completed Application Package to:

  • When will I know if I was or not awarded an FMI Out-of-State Tuition Waiver?

    An award or rejection letter will be emailed to the address provided at the end of May. If you receive an award, you must return the notarized form by the deadline; otherwise, your award will be forfeited and given to another qualified student. Selection will be made by the FMI out-of-state tuition waiver committee. Only properly completed applications, submitted by June 1, will be considered.

  • If granted, what University officials need to be informed about your award?

    You must present your letter of award to the Cashiers Office when you register. They will waive the number of credits stated on the award letter.

  • If I have any further questions, who can I contact?

    Contact LACC's Linkage Institute Coordinator at (305)348-2894 or email lacc@fiu.edu / apply_lacc@fiu.edu